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ATP architects engineers

University of Innsbruck, A, 2013

Teaching and research building

Following its success in an open, EU-wide realisation competition, ATP was commissioned to refurbish the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering.

The refurbishment project envisages the remodelling of the two building complexes taking the various disciplines in the fields of architecture and engineering into account and the optical and visual reorganisation of how the teaching staff and students use the buildings. The relaunch thus aims to remove the uniformity of the buildings and make them much more responsive to both the educational and the constructional contexts.

The engineering building is designed as a powerful “tower”. The clear, closed façade makes this a landmark for the entire site. The architecture building is, on the other hand, much more open, transmitting an impression of liveliness and variety. This provides a clear contrast to the precise, calm effect of the engineer´s tower without, however, endangering the sense of ensemble. The ground floor café should underline the campus nature of the area.
As part of the refurbishment project for the engineering building, ATP worked with GBD Mosbacher to develop a new, intelligent type of window based on the tried-and-trusted top-hung system. The use of this window makes it possible to develop a very dense, compact low-tech building, which is largely naturally ventilated and meets passive house standards in the “refurbishment” category.

Client: BIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Construction start: 03/2012
Completion: 10/2013
Total built area: 36.200 m2
Total built volume: 138.200 m3
Competition: 2009, 1st Prize

Visualisations: ATP Architects and Engineers