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Autostadt, Wolfsburg

In close proximity to the largest car factory in the world, the Autostadt in Wolfsburg is a homogenous urban landscape displaying the history and brand philosophy of the Volkswagen Group. Since opening in 2000, the theme park provides visitors with a complete experience of the automotive industry.  The architecture of the Autostadt includes brand pavilions for Porsche,  Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley, Lamborghini and Volkswagen, all designed to reflect the values of each brand.  The skyline of the Autostadt is dominated by  two 48-metre high car towers, which hold 400 vehicles each. The vehicles are transported via elevators into the free shafts of the 20 storeys. Every 40 seconds a new vehicle arrives underground at the cylinder straight from the production plant and is ready for the customer to drive home. The car museum and Ritz- Carlton Hotel makes the Autostadt an international destination for culture, leisure and learning.

Wolfsburg, DE

Volkswagen AG & Autostadt GmbH

Area TGA
220000 m²

1997 – 1998

Construction period
1998 - 2000

Cooperation partners
WES & Partner, Drees & Sommer, Tony Chi & Associates, Jordan Mozer Associates, Andrée Putman, United Designers Ltd., Virgile & Stone Associates

Alfredo Arribas, Arthesia, Bellprat Associates, Confino, Furneaux Stewart, Grüntuch/Ernst, Jack Rouse Associates, KSS Architects, Sipek

Homogenous Urban complex, Exhibition Space, Museum, Brand pavilions, Restaurants, Hotel