BWM Designers & Architects
Archäologie Museum Schloss Eggenberg
© Paul Ott photografiert
Realisierung eines Museumsneubaus als unterirdische Erweiterung des bestehenden Lapidariums sowie Ausarbeitung einer Ausstellungspräsentation zur Neuaufstellung der archäologischen Sammlung des Landesmuseums Joanneum.
Archeological department of Eggenberg castle
Implementation of a new museum building as an underground extension of the existing Lapidarium as wellas rearrangement of the Joanneum archaeological collection. The different zones of the two-aisled exhibition hall, centrally lit from above, are defined by different floor levels. Concrete walls and floors provide a subtle background for the small-scale exhibits presented in highly transparent glass cases floating in space. Architecture and display are combined to create a contemporary and elegant space complex radiating lightness and brightness.
Archeological department of Eggenberg castle
Implementation of a new museum building as an underground extension of the existing Lapidarium as wellas rearrangement of the Joanneum archaeological collection. The different zones of the two-aisled exhibition hall, centrally lit from above, are defined by different floor levels. Concrete walls and floors provide a subtle background for the small-scale exhibits presented in highly transparent glass cases floating in space. Architecture and display are combined to create a contemporary and elegant space complex radiating lightness and brightness.