Corneille Uedingslohmann Architekten
Villa im Park

Foto: Corneille Uedingslohmann Architekten und Michael Neuhaus
Die 1959 erbaute Villa liegt eingebettet in ein großzügiges Grundstück mit altem Baumbestand. Unsere Aufgabe war es, die über die Jahre an vielen Stellen verfälschte Architektur wieder zu beleben und die innere Organisation sowie die technischen Einrichtungen den heutigen Bedürfnissen anzupassen und weiterzuentwickeln. Charakteristisch für das großflächig verglaste Gebäude ist das wiederkehrende Wechselspiel zwischen Innen- und Außenbereichen. Zur Steigerung dieser Wirkung wählten wir einen einheitlichen Bodenbelag für sämtliche Flächen, vom Vorgarten und Eingangsbereich, über die Wohnbereiche und Innenhöfe bis hin zu den großzügigen Terrassen.
Häuser Award 2007, 2. Preis
Park Villa
The 1959 built villa is nestled in a generous plot with imposing mature trees. Our task was to revive the post-war modern architecture, which had been distorted in many places, while aligning the internal organization and adjusting the technical fittings to the needs of today and the lifestyle of the owners. Characteristic of the generously glazed building is the recurrent interplay between indoor and outdoor areas. To enhance this effect, we chose a uniform floor covering for all surfaces, from the front yard and entrance hall, passing through the living areas to the courtyards and garden terraces.
Häuser Award 2007, 2nd prize
Häuser Award 2007, 2. Preis
Park Villa
The 1959 built villa is nestled in a generous plot with imposing mature trees. Our task was to revive the post-war modern architecture, which had been distorted in many places, while aligning the internal organization and adjusting the technical fittings to the needs of today and the lifestyle of the owners. Characteristic of the generously glazed building is the recurrent interplay between indoor and outdoor areas. To enhance this effect, we chose a uniform floor covering for all surfaces, from the front yard and entrance hall, passing through the living areas to the courtyards and garden terraces.
Häuser Award 2007, 2nd prize