PPAG architects
In ganz Europa werden mehr Schulen gebaut als jemals zuvor. In Städten wie Berlin oder Wien sind massive Schulbauoffensiven im Gange. Die neuen Schulbauten werden die Stadt, die Gesellschaft und die Pädagogik für Jahrzehnte prägen. Die Entwicklung dieser Räume ist eine Chance für die Zukunft. Sie sollte Teil einer möglichst breiten öffentlichen Diskussion sein. Die Ausstellung und der Katalog diskutieren in 19 Stationen die Kernthemen des zeitgemäßen Bildungsbaus anhand von gebauten und ungebauten Projekten, die PPAG in den letzten Jahren entworfen hat. Sie zeigen, dass es möglich ist, innovative Pädagogik, Architektur, Ästhetik und Wirtschaftlichkeit auf hohem Niveau zu vereinen. Der Ausstellungsraum wird dabei selbst zu einer Schule über Schulen im Maßstab 1:1. Der Katalog dokumentiert diesen Lernausflug.
More schools than ever before are being built across Europe. In cities like Berlin or Vienna, huge school construction offensives are underway. These new school buildings will shape the city, society and education as a whole for decades. Development of those spaces is a chance for the future and should be the subject of public discussion on a broadest possible scale. This exhibition and catalog discuss core topics of contemporary educational architecture in 19 stations based on built and unbuilt projects designed by PPAG in recent years. They demonstrate that it is possible to unite innovative pedagogy, architecture, esthetics and cost-effectiveness on a high level. To that end, the exhibition space itself will become an education on education on a 1:1 scale. The catalog documents this learning excursion.
More schools than ever before are being built across Europe. In cities like Berlin or Vienna, huge school construction offensives are underway. These new school buildings will shape the city, society and education as a whole for decades. Development of those spaces is a chance for the future and should be the subject of public discussion on a broadest possible scale. This exhibition and catalog discuss core topics of contemporary educational architecture in 19 stations based on built and unbuilt projects designed by PPAG in recent years. They demonstrate that it is possible to unite innovative pedagogy, architecture, esthetics and cost-effectiveness on a high level. To that end, the exhibition space itself will become an education on education on a 1:1 scale. The catalog documents this learning excursion.