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J. MAYER H. und Partner

Completion Railway Station, Akhalkalaki in Georgia

Photo: Dimitri Kavtaradze
Photo: Dimitri Kavtaradze
Flughäfen, Bahnhöfe, Haltestellen
Jahr der Fertigstellung
Material Fassade
We are celebrating the completion of the new railway station in Georgia. The
international railway station in Akhalkalaki is part of the construction of the new
Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, that connects Azerbaijan and Turkey through Georgia,
effectively improving the wider economic relations between Europe and Asia. As a
break of gauge is required in Akhalkalaki, as the first stop on Georgian side after the
Turkish border, the station as well as the city will become a place of exchange beyond
connectivity for all three countries. With its undulating cantilevers the station’s roof and
meshed metal façade will give shelter to up to 3 million passengers per year.

Architect: J.MAYER.H und Partner, Architekten mbB
Team: Juergen Mayer H., Jan-Christoph Stockebrand,
Jesko Malkolm Johnsson-Zahn, Christoph Emenlauer,
Simon Kassner, Danny te Kloese
Project Design: 2010
Completion: 03.2018
Function: International Railway Station
Client: “Marabda-Kartsakhi Railway” LLC
Architects on Site: Studio 2, Tbilisi, Georgia
Location: Akhalkalaki, Georgia
Photographer: Dimitri Kavtaradze