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LIN Architekten Urbanisten

Honorable Mention „Micro Campus Köln“

LIN has been  awarded an honorable mention for its design “Micro Campus Köln” in the competition “Bildungslandschaft Altstadt Nord” in Cologne, Germany.

The design of the “Micro Campus” presents a vision for of a new urban Campus that will integrate the so far fragmented educational facilities into a new urban setting. New facilities such as a library and a cafeteria will complete the campus and will function as future communication points within the campus. Together with the existing educational facilities that surround the Klingelpütz park they will serve as a new platform for learning and exchange for the students as well as the inhabitants of the surrounding quarters.

LIN Architects Urbanists, Berlin/ Paris: Giulia Andi, Finn Geipel, Philip Koenig, Vesta Nele Zareh (CdP phase 01), Sandra Badji (CdP phase 02), Lucia Sanchez, Morana Mazuran, Thomas Untersweg, Marcin Szord, Marta Diez Amante, Bruno Pinto da Cruz, Ines Dobosic
Landscape: Müller Illien Landschaftsarchitekten, Zürich
Mobility: IBV Hüsler AG, Zürich
Structure and facade: Bollinger + Grohmann, Frankfurt am Main
Fire safety engineer: TPG ® Technische Prüfgesellschaft mbH
Cost planning: Höhler+Partner |  Architekten und Ingenieure
Energy & Sustainability: Ingenieurbüro Hausladen GmbH, Kirchheim
Client: Gebäudewirtschaft der Stadt Köln mit dem Amt für Schulentwicklung
Status: 2013 international competition, honorable mention
Location: Köln (Germany)
Surface: 14.000 m2 FSI (BGF)